PLAID is a research and consultancy firm based in New York City.

PLAID provides value-added research and consulting by integrating an understanding of clients’ strategic business goals and a focus on feasible implementation to all its projects. We understand that any knowledge we provide needs to take into account ultimate strategic objectives and impact many areas of business. Two things you will not get from PLAID: research for research’s sake and consulting deliverables that restate the obvious.

PLAID is a boutique firm. We believe in senior talent well-applied: the people you first meet are the people you will work with throughout your engagement. Leveraging a pool of U.S. and international talent, we are well suited to effectively undertake almost any project. However, we happily leave the enormous, invasive McKinsey-style projects to McKinsey: we know what we are best at.

Combining expertise in research, marketing and business strategy, PLAID finds patterns upon which clients can build sustainable growth and competitive advantage. In essence, we provide smarter business intelligence.

PLAID's Principals

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Employment at PLAID

PLAID 2005